Why Do You Need to Practice So Much?

Practicing your golf will train your mind and your body to perform on autopilot.
The less you have to think about the actions involved in your swing the more the likelihood you have of hitting the golf ball as you should.

There are so many different actions that you need to consider to hit the golf ball perfectly that in actual fact, there are too many things to think about all at once.

The only solution to having a good swing and hitting the ball correctly is to get as many of those actions drilled into your subconscious so that you don't have to think about them to perform them correctly.

It is just like riding a bicycle where you don't have to think about the action of actually peddling the bike.
You need to do the same for your golf swing.

Start with any aspect of your game and practice until you no longer have to think about it.

There is always a point in time where your practice will reach the stage that you start doing the right thing naturally and that allows you to concentrate on other areas of your play.

If you continue to chip away at the techniques that are needed, eventually you will be proficient in most areas.

Once you have mastered the correct golf techniques you get to enjoy the rewards of your efforts for years to come.

Time spent at the beginning of your career getting the basics right will be the best investment you could make.

The pleasure in golf is when you know that you have done well on the day and practice will ensure that you will do better more often.

The practice might not be fun but the results that it can deliver certainly will be.