Planning Your Practice

To get the maximum benefit from your golf practice you need to do some planning beforehand.

You need to decide before you start your practice what you want to achieve and the best way to do it.

You need to have a goal and that could be anything from sinking 30 long putts to driving 30 balls a certain distance.

Along with a goal you need a target.
You always need a target, whether that is the cup on the green or a point that you will be chipping the ball to.

Without a target when chipping or putting you might be getting your stroke right but you will have no guide for the distance you will be getting and that is essential for consistency.

Likewise, when you are practicing your driving at the range you will want to look at the distance markers to see how far you are hitting the ball.
Having a goal to aim for will always lift your game and you should be constantly challenging yourself in practice.

It is not good enough that you can hit the ball a long way on the driving range if your accuracy is poor.
It is not good enough if you can chip the ball well but never control the distance it will travel.

If you have a written plan you will be more likely to follow through with the correct practice.
It will help you to focus better and you can record the results, which will help you to plan your next training session.

You will have the information necessary to tailor your practice to the areas of your play that are lacking and using this process will deliver better results faster.

It will mean you will play better with less training.
Not many golfers follow a process of planned training and are essentially wasting valuable time by not having this focus.