Electric Golf Cart Batteries - How to Make It Last Longer

If you are an avid golfer, you may find it expensive to replace your golf cart batteries every now and then. But of course you can find ways to make your electric golf cart batteries last long.

Maintaining your electric golf cart batteries is one of the important things you can do to make your batteries last long. Of course, efficient operation of your cart depends also on how you maintain your power source to avoid problems with running your cart as well.

If you are looking for simple and easy ways to maintain your battery to make it run efficiently and make it last long, here are a few things that you may find useful.

Of course, if you want to make your electric golf cart batteries last, you have to follow the manufacturer's prescribed manual and when it comes to the care, maintenance as well as the correct usage of your batteries. You may need to check out the time it needs to charge your batteries. You also need to check your power source regularly to check for leaks and other defects.

In maintaining this power source for your cart, it is important that you also have to have enough knowledge on how to take care of batteries. Keep in mind that maintaining the battery can be dangerous so make sure that you are well protected when cleaning the batteries. Protective clothing is a must when doing some maintenance work on your golf cart batteries.

Cleaning the battery and making sure that the battery terminals are clean are also simple ways to maintain the efficiency and long life of your battery. You can clean this with acid neutralizing chemicals that are readily available in the market. To have an efficiently running power source, you have to make sure always that the areas near and around the battery are clean and dry.

Charging also plays an important role in making your batteries last long. Golf cart batteries are different from your car batteries as they do not charge itself when in use.

So when you charge your batteries, you have to pay attention to charging time. For these types of batteries, a 3-phase charger with a setting of six volts can help make your power source last longer.

You can then set the charging voltage to 2.30 to 2.35 volts which can also help make your batteries last longer. A well charged battery will surely last longer than those that are not discharged properly.

Making sure that the power source is fully charged before use can also be a good practice to make it last longer. In most cases, a green light indicator will show that the battery is already fully charged. It is also important that you make sure the battery terminals are properly connected as well and make sure they are always clean as well.

Indeed, proper care and charging is always important if you want a long lasting battery for your cart.
Carolyn Anderson loves to share resources that can help you make your golf cart batteries last long. To learn more about making your own healthy food, check out Golf Cart Battery Guide. Also check out Recondition Batteries At Home, where you can learn how to make good use of your dead batteries and save money from getting a new golf cart battery.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Anderson
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