Golf Tips - Driving

Have you ever watched the British Open or the Masters and wonder just how the pro's managed to smash the ball 350 yards even though none of them seem to be very well built, yet you can only muster 300 yards if you're lucky? Between this report and the video that accompanies it I am going to share with you golf tips driving that most of your opponents or instructors don't want you to know.
 It gives them the edge knowing they possess valuable information that will gain them extra yards on their drives, or be able to correct a slice if it starts to occur.
The drive is probably the most important shot of each hole. Master this shot and notice the difference between a round of 70 and a round of 100. There are many things that can be done to dramatically improve the quality of your driving and lower your handicap. Golf tips driving can be hard to find among the masses and masses of golf tips available to us on the internet.
This is not a lesson on the mechanics of the perfect golf swing, it is not a lesson on how you should stand when swinging the club, however it is a golf tips driving lesson on connecting with the ball correctly, hence eradicating the slice and hook off of your shot and gaining you valuable yards on your shots.
If you sit down and think about the golf swing logically you should come up with the answer that the shaft of the club is basically an extension of your arms and it is the head of the golf club that does all of the work. The trick to figure out is what golf tips driving you can use to get the head of the club to do what you want it to.
Let me try and explain it another way and use baseball as the sport instead of golf.
 The first tip I will discuss involves knowing a little bit about baseball. Now if you recall in baseball when a batter wants to place a bunt the bat does not swing through the plate, this results in the ball travelling a short distance in a relatively controlled manner.
 But on the other hand, when a batter wants to hit a home run he has to swing the bat completely through the plate transferring the energy from bat to ball making the ball travel as far as the energy will take it. If the bat is too late at connecting with the ball then the ball will veer off to the right for a foul ball, if the batter is too early with his swing then the ball will hook off to the left resulting in a foul ball.
These issues are the same in golf. This is why we slice or hook the ball, the club head has to meet with the ball squarely and the transfer of energy correct for the ball to travel straight.
Many golf tips driving focus too much on the stance, or how you actually swing the club when more emphases should be placed on how the club head meets with the ball. We have to remember that the shaft of the club is an extension of our arms and it is the head of the club that does all of the work. The head of the club needs to open fully on the backswing and then progress to being closed on the downswing, making contact with the ball right in the centre. To get the club head to do this we need to use our hands to rotate the shaft of the club clockwise on the backswing for right handed golfers, on the downswing rotate the hands anticlockwise to close the club head.
I hope these golf tips driving have been helpful and improve your golf game the way it was intended.
The head of the club is essentially the baseball bat trying to hit a home run. Take a club out of your bag right now and practice the motion of opening the club face and closing the club face. Most golf tips driving do not teach you this drill, but it is very important to keeping the ball straight down the fairway.
When you are comfortable with the motion of opening and closing the club face, take it to the driving range and practice these golf tips driving and getting into a comfortable stance and swing that will enable you to connect with the ball with your tool (the club head) just like a baseball player uses his tool (the bat) to swing through and hit a home run.
Good luck and I hope I helped.
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