The Proper Stance for Better Drives

You will need to adopt a different stance when using your driver as compared to your irons.

To be able to hit the ball well you will need to be striking up on the ball.
To do this you will first need to adopt a wider stance.
A general guideline is to stand with your feet a shoulder width apart.
By doing this you will be further behind the ball at address and that will help to hit up on the ball.

The ball will need to be placed further forward in your stance to allow you to hit it correctly and as another guideline it should be lined somewhere in the region of your target side foot heal or instep.
You will obviously need to experiment with the position until you get this right as there will always be some fine tuning required.

Once you get your stance and ball placement correct take a look at your shoulders and see that they are pointing in the direction you want the ball to go.

They should be aligned directly with the path of your intended flight.
If your shoulders are pointing to the left of the hole that will be the most likely direction that your ball will land unless of course you slice the ball and it comes back around to the right.
That is another problem and this is assuming that you are in the correct position to eliminate slicing the ball.

In practice use something as a guideline to align your shoulders before you drive.
In the driving range this will be easy to do but on the course you could lay your driver on the ground in the direction you want the ball to go and then align your shoulders with that.

Once you have mastered this it will become natural.