8 Golf Rules That Are Difficult To Remember

Maybe you are new to the game of golf and are finding some of the rules too hard to remember. In such case it is great to carry a handy check list of rules you can refer to on the course.
 Especially with traditional rules of the game, you could get confused with ones concerning hazards or stroke penalties for instance, so it is good to have the rules at hand at all times on the field.
 In rare cases when you may disagree with another player it is good to be able to refer to the laws of the game to settle the matter amicably.
You may find it difficult to get your hands on a short checklist of golf rules, and we all would agree it is tedious to write on our your self. What we provide here can be used as a printout to carry when on the course.
Take a printout of the rules mentioned here, and use it as reference when you need to. We have taken the liberty to include some laws pertaining to the etiquettes of the game, which are also very important in a "gentlemen's" game such as golf.

1. You are never allowed to touch the ball while in play. The exception to this rule is when you are on the putting green area, and after the ball has been marked, and also at a time when you are about to play a stroke penalty, thereby removing the golf ball from a hazard or lie.

2. The only time you should play first in the fairway or the putting green is when you are the player who is furthest from the hole.

3. Do take the trouble to avoid slow play of the game. Use the time you have while waiting for others to play their shots by thinking about your own shot selection and club selection.

4. The player allowed to tee off first is he who has scored lowest on the previous round. It is impolite and against the rules to play first unless that fits your position.

5. Carrying more than fourteen clubs in your golf bag will lead to disqualification.

6. When another player is about to play his shot, do not talk or make sudden gestures or movements.

7. When you are on the putting area, take care to stay out of the line of a shot by another player on the same area.

8. Many golf courses have dress codes. If you are unsure of this, it is better to stay on the safe side by wearing a collared shirt.

It is a good idea to check with this list even before you take to the course, as a last minute reference.
Abhishek is an avid Golfing enthusiast and he has got some great Golfing Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 63 Pages Ebook, "Understanding And Enjoying Golf" from his website http://www.Golf-Skills.com/97/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available.

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