The Instant Golf Slice Cure

This article is about me and my experience with the Instant Golf Slice Cure.

I love the game of golf and all it offers. I am 76 years old and have been playing golf for about 30 years. At one time I supported a 12 handicap and was really enjoying the game. However, as I got older my handicap increased and so did my fade to where it became a slice. This not only caused me frustration but also embarrassment.

I tried to correct the slice by taking private lessons from a Pro. He changed my grip and told me I should move my hips towards the target at the beginning of the down swing and get my lower body more into the swing. Well that did not work for long and the slice was still there. I then turned to buying videos and each one gave me a different solution to cure the slice but none of those solved my problem. In fact, the more videos I watched the more confused I became and the worse the slice got.

I stopped buying videos and taking lessons and just kept going to the range thinking I would find the right grip, stance, or swing on my own. One day I started hitting balls straight on the range and I thought I found the cure. Well that only lasted until my next golf game and after a few more sorry games I started asking myself "Why am I even golfing anymore". Maybe at 76 I should just retire from playing golf, and just watch the professionals on TV.

That was my sad story until last month.

Last month, I went on the internet and discovered The Instant Golf Slice Cure. I immediately went to the range to test it... and it instantly proved out. Since then, I have played 8 games of golf and no slice...Awesome!

The best part of the Instant Golf Slice Cure is that you do not have to change anything as far as your grip or stance. You do not have to remember anything about moving your lower body or hips. All that is involved is knowing where to swing the club; what to do with your shoulder; and how to move your arms through the downswing. That is it!

I am convinced that my slice has now been obliterated, cured, and fixed.
I am having more fun again playing golf with straight and longer shots off the tee and on the fairways. The best part of the Instant Golf Slice Cure is that it is simple and easy to learn and is now available at my website.

Donald N. Lombardi is an online researcher and consultant on the subject of The Instant Golf Slice Cure. You can also read about other golfing ideas that he has implemented, field tested and proven to be successful on his website The Golf Shop.

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