Why Would You Want Rusty Clubs?

There are some clubs that are designed to oxidize or rust and the reason for this is to help control the ball.

Similar to the action that the sand between the clubface and the ball assists with spin when playing out of a bunker, light rust or oxidation can also help with spin.

There are clubs on the market such as Trusty Rusty that are specifically designed to rust over time and often clubs are labeled to advertise the fact that they will rust.

These clubs are made of mild carbon steel, which does rust, unlike most types of stainless steel, which are designed to remain rust free.

These are usually limited to wedges to help with spin and control.

Rust alone will not give you the spin.

You will only get that from good technique.

Which brings us to the question of; who needs rusty clubs?

Well you don't see them on the Pro circuit so that must be telling us something.

Rusty clubs are for those people who have yet to up skill their game where they can control and spin the ball with a good, rust free club.

Some people try to do their own preparation by sanding their clubs or resorting to leaving them in conditions such as salt water to assist in the rusting process.

Sandpaper can do more damage than good and the time would be better spent with practice.

Clubs that are advertised as raw iron are the ones that will rust naturally or those clubs that haven't been chrome plated to protect the steel.

Spin is in the swing at the end of the day and everything comes back to the need to practice and get good professional help with your game.

Shortcuts in golf usually cost more  - and don't we all know that only too well?